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The 379th Bomb Wing moved to Wurtsmith Air Force Base in June of19661. CSIRO PUBLISHING | Environmental Chemistry A bomber squadron for example would be sent out to destroy a target and return to its home base within a week. The 700 hp Conqueror engine was exceptionally powerful for its day, but it had many minor and some major faults which needed to be corrected. Thanks for sending to you and Pat. PFOA exposure is also shown to be associated with increased risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children between ages 12-15. It was renamed Camp Skeel in 1924, for the World War I Pilot Captain Burt E. Skeel, and was used as an aerial gunnery range and for winter maneuvers 1924 through 1944 by the 1st Pursuit . Lt. Ennis also thought it would be a great place for young Army Air corps to test aircraft (WAFB.net). I saw a big splash, and then the plane went out of sight.. Environmental groups issue report, 'setting the record straight' about the first KC-135 in operation Southern Watch. Because of the economic impact of Wurtsmith Air Force Base the community was generally supportive of the airmen, and the base itself. The base is influential in Michigan, as well as the United States military history. [5] The 379th flew with a Triangle K tail flash to continue thetradition from their World War II counterparts. Most individuals are not educated on what the base did before and after World War II, what is currently happening at this . Hill Housing area-- Wurtsmith Elementary School, Grissom Elementary School, Wagner Middle School, . The 1st Combat Evaluation Group (initially "1CEG", later "1CEVG") was a Strategic Air Command (SAC) unit. Marie and the straights of Mackinac. Home - Wurtsmith Air Museum [1] Mr. Nortonarrived fresh from navigation school as a 2nd Lieutenant at Wurtsmith Air ForceBase in the fall of 1985. These are simply the specific . It was eerie, David Losinski said. [1] How is it that these large and respected scientific organizations can continue to be ignored in the face of statistically overwhelming data and human impacts. In 1953 it was renamed Wurtsmith Air Force Base after Michigan native, Major General Paul Wurtsmith. If a banker had not taken Lt. Whitehead on a fishing trip there would not have been an Air Force Base in Oscoda Michigan. After a devastating fire in Oscoda which cleared over 600 buildings, the remaining citizens heard about the proposal to clear an area for the base. In 1932, Capt. I recall we lost a tanker on touch and goes which had to be extinguished with a massive amount of this chemical. Wurtsmith earned recognition during the war as the leader of the group of pilots using P-40 and P-38 fighter . Wurtsmith AFB Water Health Issues via water, Organochlorine Pesticides Levels at George AFB Family Housing. There are many historical planes you can visit as well as other interesting pieces of history that the public may view. One of the unfortunate risks in flying is a crash. Most individuals are not educated on what the base did before and after World War II, what is currently happening at this location, or how the historical space is impacting the land and local citizens today. [5] While the 379th, Bomb Wing was stationed at Wurtsmith Air Force Base they were part of the Ready, Alert Nuclear Strike Force. In 1977 the 379th Bomb Wing upgraded the B-52H fleet to B-52Gaircraft. The documentary by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Sara Ganim focuses on PFAS contamination at the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda, Michigan. (Superstorm) Sandy came along (in October) and moved things around, David Losinski said. One of these places included directly underneath the Oscoda high school. [1] Mr. Norton also landed. Veteran Compensation Programs (veteranprograms.com) assumes NO liability, and expressly disclaims any and all responsibility, for the content of all posts, surveys, topics, comments, blogs or responses. The main mission of Oscoda Army Air Field, at the time, was to defend Sault Ste. Weve done quite a bit of documenting and measuring, David Losinski said. Veteran Compensation Programs (USVCP) (www.veteranprograms.com), and any of their associated websites is for general informational. They are surely exposed to this chemical nearly every day, whether it be playing outside on the playground or from being exposed to the chemicals via drinking the water. Their water table has been contaminated with high levels of PFOA because of the leakage of chemicals from Wurtsmith Air Force Base. This is a very big issue for the people of Oscoda and the surrounding areas for obvious reasons. Contaminated water has been shown to be the main way that humans get exposed to this chemical, which is exactly whats going on in Oscoda. distance from the bunker. I do hope there is information on Wurtsmith AFB soon. Then everything happened so fast it seems unbelievable. [1] Mr. Norton, arrived fresh from navigation school as a 2nd Lieutenant at Wurtsmith Air Force, Base in the fall of 1985. The typical activities while not on ready alert varied greatlyfrom person to person. U.S. View All Homes - Homes for Rent 'We've been betrayed:' Veterans blame Air Force base water for - mlive Learn how your comment data is processed. According to the Air Force's account, in October 1977, a Wurtsmith base housing resident complained about a peculiar odor and taste in the drinking water. These bases wereresponsible for a housing a Ready Alert Nuclear Strike Force. At one point, they had to use these toxic foam chemicals to put out a fire at the Oscoda High School in 1995. City officials in Dayton, Ohio, have also found the response from the Air Force to cleanup contamination at Wright Patterson Air Force Base to be inadequate. [1] This was further broken down by marital status. I didnt know anything about the Tuskegee Airmen until we got into this.. The result was an airplane which had a much deeper and broader fuselage than did the P-1. I have had many other health issues since and have recently found all of this. Now that the contamination has reached the Au Sable river, it could potentially carry this contamination into Lake Huron. At least thirty French piloted P-47 aircraft accidents were reported at Oscoda AAF during the time period 1944-1945 and resulted in at least four pilots killed. Did Wurtsmith Air Force Base cause health woes? - Detroit Free Press Air Force - DOD Base Family Housing She gave Kelly the rundown of the base. While the vast majority of personnel on Wurtsmith Air, Force Base were not part of a flight crew rotating through ready alert, their, respective jobs all served to ensure those planes could take off at a moments, notice. Military History of the Upper Great Lakes, Over the 50 years of operation Wurtsmith Air Force Base had many, different missions. The former base includes 4,626 acres (1,872 ha) located approximately two miles west of Lake Huron in the Charter Township of Oscoda, bordered by Van Ettan Lake, the Au . In a nutshell, this is what were trying to do get permission to relocate the parts so they would resemble a plane, David Losinski said. The Air Force knew about the contamination and spent millions since 1977 to try to cover up the problem by adding phosphates to mask the odor of the chemical in the water. Airport History. By comparing the concentrations of known fluorosurfactants with the total organofluorine, less than 10% of the fluorosurfactants were identified in half of the samples. One example of this is autocross racing. These organizations primarily fall into seven types of activities: aviation, manufacturing, technology, medical, housing, education, community services and technology. Theyve seen lots of things underwater, but the story of the P-39 fighter lost just off the Port Huron beachfront touched them. More individuals impacted by these chemicals are Cindi and Lawrence Ashbeck. My wife has breast cancer, and Hashimoto's Disease (auto immune), I had a double mastectomy to remove growths, hormone issues, kidney scaring liver lesions, lumps in both lungs, sleep APNEA, sudden onset Headaches, unexplained stress attacks, to name a few. There were frequently extremely large and loud airplanes taxiing, taking off, and landing in the base. Deliveries of the first P-6s were late, the first example not appearing until October 1929. On June 30th, 1993 the 379th Bomb Wing was disbanded and Wurtsmith Air Force Base was closed. Aircraft upper wing, left lower wing, rudder and propeller damaged. P-6E, serial number 32-156, 17th Pursuit Squadron from Selfridge Field Michigan. This unfortunately happened on October 11. , 1988 when KC-135 crashed with 6 crew members and 10 passengers on board. My family lived on this base in 1983 to 1987, are we at risk? Its poor high-altitude performance was a result of a critical decision to remove the turbo-supercharger. However, the drawdown was fairly rapid after that and they were quickly replaced by P-38s, P-47s and P-51s. These chemicals have been shown to cause problems with thyroid, liver, kidney, reproduction, and other health problems. This judgement flies in the face provided by the federal ATSDR and the National Institute of Health. The former Wurtsmith Air Force Base (WAFB), located in Oscoda, Iosco County, MI operated from 1924 to 1993. I have also read about the PFAS via fire retardant foam. The plane was equipped with the cannon and four .50-caliber machine guns two mounted on the wings, two more just behind the propeller and timed to fire through the spinning blades. The Air Force says, Any aircraft before 1961, weve abandoned it.. It is primarily a large jet airplane salvage, jet engine maintenance and light general aviation . Double Jeopardy - Exposed at Kadena and Wurtsmith - Civilian Exposure If your base is not on the map or list above, this does not mean you were not exposed to PFAS chemicals from firefighting foam. [5] However, the B-52H aircraft maintained nuclear alert at WurtsmithAir Force Base. WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. These contaminants are harmful to the environment. [1] Wurtsmith Air Force Base was 2nd Lt. Nortons firstpermanent duty station in the United States Air Force.[1]. Bert E. Skeel in 1924. [1] As tensions increased around the world and the likelihood of an actual mission being flown while on ready alert increased, the week, The typical activities while not on ready alert varied greatly, from person to person. As an officer Mr. Norton had to sit in on Court-Martials. empty, 3310 lb gross. These levels were published by the Enviromental Protection Agency (Mlive.com). Anyone know the status on this? State officials' concerns about pollution in the area date back to 2012, when the health department issued a "do not eat" advisory for all fish caught near Wurtsmith Air Force Base. We thought that was kind of unbelievable.. August 8, 2018. Facebook: Wurtsmith AFB Water Health Issues via water Created to serve as a reference point for former WAFB residents to share information regarding health issues, and probable chemical exposure via base water sources. In fact the only time B-52s would travel was for training missions, or actually delivering ordinance to its target. This is an evolving issue with many moving parts. If you, a friend, or loved one has been injured or died as a result of the contamination at a DOD Superfund Site please follow the steps that are outlined at Get Help. Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport became a public airport in 1993. Assessment of ground-water contamination at Wurtsmith Air Force Base The study doesn't estimate past concentrations or exposure dosage and was released with . Photos of P-47s flown by French Pilots at Oscoda. These planes arrived at dawn on the first day of the Gulf War. I have had sever kidney problems since 1983 that carried on into my mid teens. Dallas Naval base, Texas. Wurtsmith Air Museum - Facebook It excelled in low-altitude ground support as a well-built and reliable aircraft capable of absorbing quite a bit of battle damage. Wurtsmith Air Force base (Oscoda), Michigan; PFAS Water Contamination Map . Veteran Compensation Programs. Paul B. Wurtsmith Air Force Base closed in 1993, dealing a sharp blow to the economy of rural Iosco County. The base came to be because of chance. No injuries to the pilot. Peters, Stabenow, Kildee, Slotkin Press | Senator Gary Peters From humble beginnings in the 1920's as a aircraft gunnery range, to its status as a vital member of our strategic defense, Wurtsmith Air Force Base has distinguished itself as an important part of our country's military history. The P-6 Hawk (1932-1937) Aircraft was @ Oscoda. Wurtsmith AFB has a better paper trail showing irrefutable evidence of contamination of the base drinking water with Trichloroethelene (TCE) first discovered in 1977 as a result of a complaint from a base housing resident. He was training with fellow pilots out of what was then Selfridge Field when his plane crashed. [1] At some point over the week an alarm would sound, signaling to the flight crew that the B-52s had to be in the air. The Tuskegee Airmen were African-American members of the 332nd Fighter Group and 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Force who fought in Europe during World War II. [1] On May 9th 1961 the first B-52 landed in Wurtsmith Air Force Basesignifying the re-designation to a Strategic Air Command Base. Following cleanup, operation and maintenance activities are ongoing. [3] Search Superfund Site Information. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 28 Dec. 2016, cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/cursites/csitinfo.cfm?id=0503675. Traci Kroushour, an Oscoda resident until the age of 12, had her uterus removed at the age of 28 and can never have children. Veterans of the former Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda from the 1970s, and their families who lived with them on the base, face increased risks of leukemia and other harmful effects from prolonged exposures to toxic volatile organic compounds that were in the now-shuttered base's water supply at the time, a federal health agency has found. This would cause some big problems for the fish and other life that lives beneath the surface. The pilot apparently noticed it and tried to lift his ship. I was stationed there 1988-1992. The museum's exhibits are extensive and incredibly high-quality -- including several aircraft that can be examined up . Report also stated that the Oscoda Michigan gunnery field was very rough and sandy and notoriously hard on wheels, landing gears etc. Maximum speed was 178 mph at sea level, 171 mph at 10,000 feet. During the Gulf War these planes were run practically 24/7, landing only to swap flight crews to meet the flight crew rest requirements. Wurtsmith Air, Force Base was constructed with a runway layout specifically for this. In their letter, the members expressed their concerns that the Air Force's proposed remediation plan . Service ceiling 27,200 feet, and range was 260 miles. The P-6 was generally similar to the P-1 in construction and appearance. He said the wreckage from the plane is scattered across the lake bottom. Theyre looking for other divers who can assist with the effort. [2] Another unfortunate occurrence that Happened more than it should have were Court-Martials. Former military base a magnet for retirees - middletownpress.com Mrs. Cecil V. Fowler saw the crash, according to the Times Herald article. My first daughter was born there at their hospital.my ex husband now, is very sick. Everyone from the mechanics keeping the planes flyable, to the cooks, preparing food for the airmen stationed at Wurtsmith Air Force Base, to the, commanders who ensured that everything from the flight schedules being correct. We didnt know really what we had.. [1] Wurtsmith Air Force Base was 2nd Lt. Nortons first, permanent duty station in the United States Air Force. Military Bases Linked to Cancer and Health Problems My symptoms looking back were insidious with weakness and muscle fasciculations. Smoke started coming from the tail of the second plane, and I could see it was in trouble. Even after the base closed in 1993, the base maintained a fire staff for many years. These, planes would regularly fly missions from Wurtsmith Air Force Base during the, The 379th Bomb Wing moved to Wurtsmith Air Force Base in June of, 19661. As a young airman, assumed we were returning the stuff to supply to send to the next base. Timothy Marcum, 1/15/2071-73 camp lejeune nc bad water va in redding pretends they know nothing about having problems. Is this a common thing at other Air Force bases? : r/AirForce [4] Over the tenure of the base it was home to an aerial gunnery range, a fighter-interceptor training base and later home to the 379th Bomb Wing as a member of the Strategic Air Command.[4]. Beginning in July 1944, the P-47 Thunderbolt was used extensively to train Free French Air Force pilots at Oscoda Army Air Field (AAF). WAFB began operations in 1923, under the name of Camp Skeel, and was officially named the Wurtsmith Air Force Base in 1953. Because of the restriction of being close to the Christmas tree they, resorted to playing cards, working out, reading, and sleeping while they were, not conducting recurrent training to stay up to date and proficient on their, equipment. At Oscoda Army Air Field, from the Group Historian: Over the sandy pine shores of Lake Huron, pilots of the 332nd Fighter Group polished up their flight and gunnery tactics for threat inevitable test of their skill and courage which will eventually lead them to pursuit and battle in the skies of Europe and Asia. By the end of November 1943 all training for the 332nd had been completed at Oscoda and the Group departed for overseas. Wurtsmith Air Force base was one of five, northern tier bases in the Strategic Air Commands arsenal. It was also possible for these missions to originate in the United States. [1] At some point over the week an alarm would sound,signaling to the flight crew that the B-52s had to be in the air. [1] This meant that they could be flying a mission supporting a fighter squadron in Iraq, then be redirected to refuel a bomber squadron over Saudi Arabia, then fly back to Spain to land. Wurtsmith Air Force Base History - Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport Authority Wafb.net The P-6 could climb to 10,000 feet in 6.6 min. They were stationed at the air base from 1986 to 1993. These high levels of PFOA elevate the risks of kidney cancer, mesothelioma, and diabetes. This lead to Wurtsmith transferring to Air Combat Command control, and then on June 30th 1993, Wurtsmith Air Force Base closed. Residents of the Oscoda area raised $600 to clear 40 acres of land next to the lake as a spot for a training camp and target range. Congress set a May 2022 deadline for the DOD to report on the cleanup status of these bases, the Filthy 50, with extremely high levels of PFAS contamination. For example a KC-135 could take off from Wurtsmith Air Force Base, fly across the Pacific Ocean, land in Spain, have the flight crew be relieved by a fresh crew, fly into theater, complete the mission and return to Spain, where the original crew would be rested and ready to fly the KC-135 back to Wurtsmith Air Force Base. [1] This would result in a large amount of paperwork and extra expenses for the Air Force. CLU-IN | TechDirect and Newsletters > Technology News and Trends Neither Michigan nor any U.S. officials have conducted a comprehensive study on the contaminants and pollutants under the base. The Air Force . 1942 -- Camp Skeel is renamed Oscoda Army Air Field and becomes a P-47 fighter base. The Air Force's decline to commit to Michigan's standards is among a litany of frustrations Oscoda residents say they have . The P-39 had a unique configuration with the engine placed behind the pilot and the drive shaft running under the cockpit to the propeller. What are PFAS, how toxic are they and how do you become exposed? Because Wurtsmith Air Force Base was an Air Force Base it had to have the ability to go into complete lock-down in times of emergency and still support the mission. Physical Location:4071 East Van Ettan StreetOscoda, Michigan 48750, Mailing Address:PO Box 664Oscoda, Michigan 48750, Tele: (989) 739-7555(Not answered Nov-Apr)Email:email@wurtsmithairmuseum.net, AN ARTIFACT FROM WURTSMITHS COLD WAR PAST HAS RETURNED HOME, There was one final project I wanted to accomplish before departing my assignment as Flight Commander of Aircrew Flight Equipment and SERE at the. I lived in base housing, I want to say 8607H Ohio from 82-84. Wurtsmith airforce base bomb bunkers - YouTube After all of that great history, the Wurtsmith Air Force Base is still standing as a place that is visited by a plethora of people. I still stay in touch with Gary but do not know if he has an e-mail account. . OSCODA, Mich. - Oscoda residents and PFAS activists today held a press conference on the shores of Van Etten Lake to set the record straight on the Air Force's contamination of their community from the former Wurtsmith Air . The aquifer overlies a thick clay layer at an average depth of 65 feet. The Air Force knew that due to the method used to apply the pesticide, the building design flaw, that a completed exposure pathway (CEP) existed at a large percentage of its tenantable/habitual . purposes only, and is not legal advice. [1], When the Gulf War started in 1990, the 379th Bomber Wing sent B-52s as well as their accompanying KC-135s into the Middle East. The base is influential in Michigan, as well as the United States military history. The water table is about 10 feet below land surface in the western part of the Base and about 25 feet below land surface in the eastern part. The Losinskis found an account of the crash in the Times Herald. Published August 24, 2021 at 4:15 PM EDT. Off Base Housing. [4] Its mission was tomaintain half of the fleet on a 15 minute alert, meaning the plane could be inthe air in 15 minutes, to reduce vulnerability to a Soviet preemptive missilestrike. The runways were aligned NE/SW, E/W, and NW/SE. I served at Wurtsmith from 1974-1977 my whole family has suffered from various ongoing ailments. The good speed of the P-6E was counterbalanced by some unsatisfacory handling characteristics which made it sluggish in response to controls. PFAS & Military Bases: Here's What We Know! In 1942, three 5000x150 concrete runways were built. Continued study of ground-water contamination at Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan, defined the movement and distribution of volatile organic compounds in the glacial sand and gravel aquifer at known sites of contamination, and has defined new plumes at two other sites.
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